


http://codicesoftware.blogspot.com/2010/11/version-control-timeline.html (墙)



古典时期:1990年的CVS(经典的SCM管理器,可惜不能track目录和文件名的改变,今天这个东西已经过时了),1985年的PVCS,1992年的clearcase(价格贵,功能复杂,当然,今天也有很多公司在用),微软的VSS(Welcome to Hell),90年代中期的Perforce(P4,这个工具今天都还在被广泛地使用,尤其是那些中等大小却有着大量开发团队的公司,现在是Google内部最大的代码管理器)。



Git的第一个版本是Linux之父Linus Torvalds亲手操刀设计和实现的(据说只用了一个周末),Linus不仅仅给出一个原始设计(简单的、干净的、天才的),同时,他也用自己那独一无二的风格催生了这个项目(请参看: http://codicesoftware.blogspot.com/2007/05/linus-torvalds-on-git-and-scm.html 还是被墙)。


Git 基于 DAG 结构 (Directed Acyclic Graph),其运行起来相当的快。在Git发布后的来年,世界上所有的大型的开源项目全部从Subversion迁移到了Git上,www.github.com真是很大,这可能是这具星球上最强大最牛最酷的SCM系统了。Git可能并不是最简单的,但它一定会是未来十年的主流。(有空读读这本书——Git Internals

Mercurial (Hg) 第一次出现在2005年4月,也是因为BitKeeper不免费了。Hg可以和Git在一起使用,见:http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/HgGit。但是Hg和Git在设计上不一样,他们对提交/变更的概念是一样的,只不过Git用tree来实现,而Hg则是用扁平的文件和目录来实现(revlog),设计细节可参看:http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/Design和 http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/DeveloperInfo

Darcs (Darcs Advanced Revision Control System)是另一个让你摆脱Subversion和CVS的工具,2002年开始,今年是2.5版。它的优势是性能,以及他与众不同的历史版本管理——管理patches而不是snapshot(提交/修改),当然,这样一来,历史改变看上去很不好懂。

Bazaar (bzr) 是另一个开源的 DVCS,它试图给SCM的世界里带来一些新的东西。其由Canonical开发(Ubuntu的那个公司),在2008年成为GNU。


Team Foundation Server (TFS),微软的新一代SCM工具,主要是为了VSS的失败负责,但是他还不是版本管理上还是很强,只不过,他集成了一大堆各种各样的工具,比如:issue tracking,test management等。


(转载本站文章请注明作者和出处 酷 壳 – CoolShell ,请勿用于任何商业用途)

好烂啊有点差凑合看看还不错很精彩 (10 人打了分,平均分: 3.30 )


  1. Linus就是神!

  2. Linus大人,您为什么那么销魂~~~

  3. 难以理解居然没有提到SCCS
    RCS was first released in 1982[1] by Walter F. Tichy while he was at Purdue University as a free and more evolved alternative to the then-popular Source Code Control System (SCCS).
    Source Code Control System (SCCS) was an early revision control system, geared toward program source code and other text files. It was originally developed at Bell Labs in 1972 by Marc J. Rochkind for an IBM System/370 computer running OS/MVT. It was later rewritten for UNIX, then running on a PDP-11 and released with the Programmer’s Workbench (PWB) edition of that operating system.

    Subsequently, SCCS was included in AT&T’s commercial System III and System V distributions. It was not licensed with 32V, the ancestor to Berkeley Unix.[1] The SCCS command set is now part of the Single UNIX Specification.

    SCCS was the dominant version control system for Unix until the release of the Revision Control System. Today, SCCS is generally considered obsolete. However, its file format is still used internally by a few other revision control programs, including BitKeeper and TeamWare. Sablime[1]

    also allows the use of SCCS files. The SCCS file format uses a storage technique called interleaved deltas (or the weave

    ). This storage technique is now considered by many revision control system developers[who?] as key to some advanced merging techniques, such as the “Precise Codeville” (“pcdv”) merge.

  4. 把Linus造成神并进行崇拜对我们的学习并没有帮助。
    Git的第一个版本是Linux之父Linus Torvalds亲手操刀设计和实现的,但Linus不是凭空设计出来的,他是站在巨人的肩膀上,很大程度上借鉴了BitKeeper和Monotone的设计。Git的开发从2005年4月3日开始,2005年4月7日完成大约1300行代码,实现基本功能并selfhosting。http://marc.info/?l=git&m=117254154130732

    “无论是反对还是喜欢,Linus的确是改变了历史——中世纪已经过去了,现在的世界由分布式系统主宰,以及消除branch和merge的恐惧。” 没有Linus,历史依然向前进,分布式系统依然会占上风。Bazaar在2005年3月立项,Mecurial在2005年4月19日也已经完成第一个版本。

    “Git 基于 DAG 结构 (Directed Acyclic Graph),其运行起来相当的快。”

    我承认由于Linus个人因素的影响,Linux kernel和不少Linux下的开源项目都使用了Git,但请不要忽视别的DVCS的存在。 Ubuntu在哪里?Octave在哪里?Emacs在哪里?Vim在哪里?

  5. Hi pablo,

    wow, what brings you here? It is astonished to me to see the original author comes out and type Chinese here :D
    But could you please use English next time? because google translator is not as good as it should be.
    I wish Hao Chen could translate your whole article, with detailed introduction about those DVCSs other than git, especially the Plastic SCM. But what I saw here is only the emphasizing of what Linus did for the whole history.
    I havn’t ever used the Plastic SCM yet, but I will have a try next time.

    best regards

    1. Hi Mensch88 & Pablo,

      i am sorry i didn’t translate the whole article, and did not introduce DVCS, because I don’t want this technical blog so bookish, academic & boring. Actually, many non-technical people think technical person or technical articles are so dry, priggish, unsophisticated & boring, it’s true. so, I set up this blog to try to make the Computer Technology more fun & more interests. That’s why i only pick up the interesting & funny things instead of precise technique or math here. Thanks for understanding.

      And hope you can join me share your article, your viewpoint, your information to everyone. this is not my personal blog, it’s always opening for anyone.


  6. @pablo
    Hi Pablo, thanks so much to leave your message here. I can guess what your meaning probably is – “hi, I am the creator of Plastic SCM, how do you think about our system? “. I have to admit i know less about the Plastic SCM, but with your message, I feel I should really look at this. Thanks for your message. and this is the purpose of this blog – everyone can learn each other.

  7. @Mensch88 Hi! Yes, now I’ll try in English, I used google as you mentioned and I’m afraid the results were not good! ;)

    Guys, I’d love to see posts translated to Chinese, so if you need me to send you the original material, the visio files, of whatever you need, please send me an email to psantosl at codicesoftware.com. I’ll be really happy to help!

    And of course, give a try to Plastic!

  8. @无缺


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